I Would Have Pulled…

As I opened my Facebook today, a friend had posted a poignant commentary by Kimberly Henderson of Proverbs 31 ministries. Kimberly noted, “ I would have pulled Joseph out of that pit…pulled David out of Saul’s spear-throwing presence…pulled Esther out of being snatched from her only family…pulled Jesus off the cross…And oh friend. I want to pull you out. I want to change your path. I want to stop your pain. But right now I know I would be wrong. I would be out of line. I would be cheating you and cheating the world out of so much good…so instead of trying to pull you out, I’m lifting you up.”

How often have we tried and changed God’s plan and will for our lives? When I was a seminary student in the 1960’s, we learned of God’s permissive will and His perfect or divine will. Charles Stanley noted “the predetermined will of God is when there are certain events that the Lord has predestined to occur, and no one can thwart His sovereignty.”

Yet, how often do we deliberately change what we know is God’s will? It may be a career, relationship or religious decision. We know God was directing us to do something, but we chose otherwise. Sometimes our selfish and stubborn wills bring disappointment and heartache to not only one other person, but many.

As a young teen, my father shared with our family and our church congregation that God was calling him into full-time ministry. Yet, he walked away. He chose his own path and until the day he passed away, he was always “seeking.”  My father’s choice was between him and God, but Dad’s life remained a struggle. I’ve always wondered if it was because he chose “his will”, not God’s. Those are queries only God and Dad could answer.

Dr. David Jermiah cites, “each of us has been given our own independent will. It can be an asset or a liability. It all depends on how we position our will in relation to the will that really matters-the will of God.”

Some of the greatest examples of personal wills affecting many,  are when a person chooses to drink and drive, causing the death of innocent persons. In Ephesians 5:18, the bible clearly notes, do not get drunk on wine…” When individuals are drunk their actions and cognitive abilities are impaired.

Was it God’s will for a  spouse  to be unfaithful; breaking the vow they took to love and honor their mate until death? When such egoistical actions transpire,  entire families endure the sorrow of one person’s decision. If there are children, they lose the security of knowing their parents loved one another for an eternity. Whether the children are young or adults with families of their own, the broken union of their parents is distressing.

Whether actions are God’s predetermined will or a person’s will, God will walk with the individual and survivors of the occurrence. I think of the countless natural disasters the world endures. Those were God ordained, but He is right there to “pull that person” up or out of the situation.  What a gift to know He is there for all situations we face whether His plan or our egocentricity. Psalm 40:8 NIV, “ I desire to do your will, my God.”

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